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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 ClinearAlgebra:: LinearSolverFunction
 ClinearAlgebra:: OperatorContext
 Cdftefe::basis::AtomIdsPartition< dim >Class to get the renumbered Ids of the locally owned Atom ids returns the vector of no of atoms in each processor and the vector of old atom ids. so oldatomid(0) = 2 and so on. So also newatomid(2) = 0; but you do not need to store as oldatomid vector is same as newatomid i.e. memory layout should be 'locally owned enriched ids' should be consecutive integers
 Cdftefe::basis::BasisDataStorage< ValueTypeBasisData, memorySpace >An abstract class to store and access data for a given basis, such as the basis function values on a quadrature grid, the overlap matrix of the basis, etc
 Cdftefe::basis::BasisManager< ValueTypeBasisCoeff, memorySpace >An abstract class to encapsulate the partitioning of a basis across multiple processors
 Cdftefe::basis::BasisManager< ValueTypeOperand, memorySpace >
 Cdftefe::basis::BasisOperations< ValueTypeBasisCoeff, ValueTypeBasisData, memorySpace >
 Cdftefe::linearAlgebra::blasLapack::BlasQueueTypedef< memorySpace >
 Cdftefe::linearAlgebra::blasLapack::BlasQueueTypedef< dftefe::utils::MemorySpace::DEVICE >
 Cdftefe::linearAlgebra::blasLapack::BlasQueueTypedef< dftefe::utils::MemorySpace::HOST >
 Cdftefe::linearAlgebra::blasLapack::BlasQueueTypedef< dftefe::utils::MemorySpace::HOST_PINNED >
 Cdftefe::basis::CellMappingBaseAn abstract class to map a real point to parametric point and vice-versa
 Cdftefe::utils::ConditionalOStreamProvides an interface to print based on whether a certain condition is met or not. Typical use cases include: (a) printing based on different verbosity level (b) printing only from a certain processor while running in parallel
 Cdftefe::basis::ConstraintsInternal< ValueTypeBasisCoeff, memorySpace >
 Cdftefe::basis::ConstraintsLocal< ValueTypeBasisCoeff, memorySpace >
 Cdftefe::ksdft::DensityCalculator< ValueTypeBasisData, ValueTypeBasisCoeff, memorySpace, dim >
 Cdftefe::utils::DiscontiguousDataOperations< ValueType, memorySpace >
 Cdftefe::ksdft::Energy< ValueType >
 Cdftefe::ksdft::Energy< linearAlgebra::blasLapack::real_type< linearAlgebra::blasLapack::scalar_type< ValueTypeBasisData, ValueTypeBasisCoeff > > >
 Cdftefe::basis::EnrichmentClassicalInterfaceSpherical< ValueTypeBasisData, memorySpace, dim >Class to get the interface between Classical and Enrichment basis. It takes as the classical basis as input. The main functionalities of the class are:
 Cdftefe::basis::EnrichmentFunctionManagerAtomCenteredNumerical< ValueTypeBasisData, dim >A class which provides access to spherical atom-centered enrichment functions, with the radial part given numerically on a grid. This specifically assumes the dimensionality of the problem to be 3. Thus, an enrichment function \( N^{\boldsymbol{\textbf{R}}}(\boldsymbol{\textbf{r}})\), centered on a point \(\boldsymbol{\textbf{R}}\) can be written as
 Cdftefe::basis::EnrichmentIdsPartition< dim >Class to get the gost and locally owned enrichment ids from the renumbered atom ids in Atom Partition i.e. memory layout should be 'locally owned enrichment ids which would be contiguous' -> 'ghost enrichment ids' The class gives us the vector of cell enrichment Ids, locallyowned enrichment ids range, ghost enrichment ids
 Cdftefe::basis::EnrichmentManager< ValueTypeBasisData, dim >Base class which provides access to the enrichment functions
 Cdftefe::basis::FECellWiseDataOperations< ValueType, memorySpace >
 Cdftefe::basis::Field< ValueTypeBasisCoeff, memorySpace >
 Cdftefe::utils::Function< T, Q >
 Cdftefe::linearAlgebra::LanczosExtremeEigenSolverInternal::generate< T >
 Cdftefe::linearAlgebra::LanczosExtremeEigenSolverInternal::generate< std::complex< double > >
 Cdftefe::linearAlgebra::LanczosExtremeEigenSolverInternal::generate< std::complex< float > >
 Cdftefe::ksdft::Hamiltonian< ValueTypeOperator, memorySpace >
 Cdftefe::ksdft::Hamiltonian< linearAlgebra::blasLapack::scalar_type< linearAlgebra::blasLapack::scalar_type< ValueTypeBasisData, ValueTypeWaveFnBasisData >, ValueTypeBasisCoeff >, memorySpace >
 Cdftefe::ksdft::Hamiltonian< ValueTypeBasisData, memorySpace >
 Cdftefe::linearAlgebra::blasLapack::KernelsOneValueType< ValueType, memorySpace >
 Cdftefe::linearAlgebra::blasLapack::KernelsTwoValueTypes< ValueType1, ValueType2, memorySpace >Namespace class for BlasLapack kernels not present in blaspp
 Cdftefe::ksdft::KohnShamDFT< ValueTypeElectrostaticsCoeff, ValueTypeElectrostaticsBasis, ValueTypeWaveFunctionCoeff, ValueTypeWaveFunctionBasis, memorySpace, dim >
 Cdftefe::linearAlgebra::LapackErrorMsgA class to map Error to a message
 Cdftefe::linearAlgebra::blasLapack::LapackQueueTypedef< memorySpace >
 Cdftefe::linearAlgebra::blasLapack::LapackQueueTypedef< dftefe::utils::MemorySpace::DEVICE >
 Cdftefe::linearAlgebra::blasLapack::LapackQueueTypedef< dftefe::utils::MemorySpace::HOST >
 Cdftefe::linearAlgebra::blasLapack::LapackQueueTypedef< dftefe::utils::MemorySpace::HOST_PINNED >
 Cdftefe::linearAlgebra::LinAlgOpContext< memorySpace >
 Cdftefe::linearAlgebra::LinearSolverErrorMsgA class to map Error to a message
 Cdftefe::linearAlgebra::LinearSolverImpl< ValueTypeOperator, ValueTypeOperand, memorySpace >Abstract class that implements the LinearSolver algorithm. For example, the derived classes of it, such as CGLinearSolver, GMRESLinearSolver implement the Conjugate-Gradient (CG) and Generalized Minimum Residual (GMRES) Krylov subspace based approches, respectively, to solve a linear system of equations
 Cdftefe::utils::MemoryManager< ValueType, memorySpace >
 Cdftefe::utils::MemoryManager< ValueType, MemorySpace::HOST >
 Cdftefe::utils::MemoryStorage< ValueType, memorySpace >
 Cdftefe::utils::MemoryStorage< double, memorySpace >
 Cdftefe::utils::MemoryStorage< global_size_type, memorySpace >
 Cdftefe::utils::MemoryStorage< RealType, memorySpace >
 Cdftefe::utils::MemoryStorage< RealType, utils::MemorySpace::HOST >
 Cdftefe::utils::MemoryStorage< size_type, memorySpace >
 Cdftefe::utils::MemoryStorage< ValueTypeBasisCoeff, memorySpace >
 Cdftefe::utils::MemoryStorage< ValueTypeOperator, memorySpace >
 Cdftefe::utils::MemoryTransfer< memorySpaceDst, memorySpaceSrc >
 Cdftefe::utils::MemoryTransfer< MemorySpace::HOST, MemorySpace::HOST >
 Cdftefe::ksdft::MixingScheme< ValueTypeMixingVariable, ValueTypeWeights >This class performs the anderson mixing in a variable agnostic way This class takes can take different input variables as input in a std::vector format and computes the mixing coefficients These coefficients can then be used to compute the new variable at the start of the SCF
 Cdftefe::ksdft::MixingScheme< RealType, RealType >
 Cdftefe::utils::mpi::MPICommunicatorP2P< ValueType, memorySpace >
 Cdftefe::utils::MPICommunicatorP2PKernels< ValueType, memorySpace >
 Cdftefe::utils::mpi::MPIPatternP2P< memorySpace >A class template to store the communication pattern (i.e., which entries/nodes to receive from which processor and which entries/nodes to send to which processor)
 Cdftefe::linearAlgebra::MultiVector< ValueType, memorySpace >An class template to encapsulate a MultiVector. A MultiVector is a collection of \(N\) vectors belonging to the same finite-dimensional vector space, where usual notion of vector size denotes the dimension of the vector space. Note that this in the mathematical sense and not in the sense of an multi-dimensional array.The MultiVector is stored contiguously with the vector index being the fastest index, or in other words a matrix of size \(M \times N\) in row major format with \(M \) denoting the dimension of the vector space (size of individual vector)
 Cdftefe::linearAlgebra::MultiVector< ValueTypeBasisCoeff, memorySpace >
 Cdftefe::linearAlgebra::MultiVector< ValueTypeOperand, memorySpace >
 Cdftefe::linearAlgebra::MultiVector< ValueTypeOperator, memorySpace >
 Cdftefe::linearAlgebra::MultiVector< ValueTypeWaveFunctionCoeff, memorySpace >
 Cdftefe::linearAlgebra::NewtonRaphsonSolver< ValueType >A class that implements the Newton-Raphson solver to find root of a function
 Cdftefe::linearAlgebra::NewtonRaphsonSolverFunction< ValueType >
 Cdftefe::linearAlgebra::NewtonRaphsonSolverFunction< double >
 Cdftefe::linearAlgebra::OperatorContext< ValueTypeOperator, ValueTypeOperand, memorySpace >Abstract class to encapsulate the action of a discrete operator on vectors, matrices, etc
 Cdftefe::linearAlgebra::OperatorContext< ValueType, memorySpace, memorySpace >
 Cdftefe::linearAlgebra::OperatorContextFE ::OperatorContext< ValueTypeOperator, ValueTypeOperand, memorySpace >Abstract class to encapsulate the action of a discrete operator on vectors, matrices, etc. in a basis
 Cdftefe::utils::OptimizedIndexSet< T >
 Cdftefe::utils::OptimizedIndexSet< global_size_type >
 Cdftefe::linearAlgebra::OrthonormalizationFunctions< ValueTypeOperator, ValueTypeOperand, memorySpace >
 Cdftefe::atoms::OverlappingAtomIds< dim >Class to get the Ids of the Atoms overlapping a particular Processor for a particular field. Each Processor stores info of all the atoms
 Cdftefe::utils::PeriodicTableManagerProvides a map from Atomic Number to Atomic Symbol
 Cdftefe::utils::PointImpl< T >
 Cdftefe::quadrature::QuadraturePointAttributesClass to store the attributes of a quad point, such as the cell Id it belongs, the quadPointId within the cell it belongs to, and the quadrature rule (defined by quadratureRuleId) it is part of
 Cdftefe::quadrature::QuadratureValuesContainer< ValueType, memorySpace >
 Cdftefe::quadrature::QuadratureValuesContainer< RealType, memorySpace >
 Cdftefe::utils::RandNumGen< T >
 Cdftefe::utils::RandNumGen< double >
 Cdftefe::utils::RandNumGen< float >
 Cdftefe::utils::RandNumGen< int >
 Cdftefe::utils::RandNumGen< long >
 Cdftefe::utils::RandNumGen< long double >
 Cdftefe::utils::RandNumGen< long long >
 Cdftefe::utils::RandNumGen< short >
 Cdftefe::utils::RandNumGen< std::complex< double > >
 Cdftefe::utils::RandNumGen< std::complex< float > >
 Cdftefe::utils::RandNumGen< std::complex< long double > >
 Cdftefe::utils::RandNumGen< unsigned int >
 Cdftefe::utils::RandNumGen< unsigned long >
 Cdftefe::utils::RandNumGen< unsigned long long >
 Cdftefe::utils::RandNumGen< unsigned short >
 Cdftefe::linearAlgebra::RayleighRitzEigenSolver< ValueTypeOperator, ValueTypeOperand, memorySpace >A derived class of OperatorContext to encapsulate the action of a discrete operator on vectors, matrices, etc
 Cdftefe::RealType< T >
 Cdftefe::RealType< double >
 Cdftefe::RealType< float >
 Cdftefe::RealType< int >
 Cdftefe::RealType< std::complex< double > >
 Cdftefe::RealType< std::complex< float > >
 Cdftefe::linearAlgebra::blasLapack::blasLapackKernelsInternal::ScalarProduct< T1, T2, op1, op2 >
 Cdftefe::linearAlgebra::blasLapack::blasLapackKernelsInternal::ScalarProduct< T1, T2, ScalarOp::Conj, ScalarOp::Conj >
 Cdftefe::linearAlgebra::blasLapack::blasLapackKernelsInternal::ScalarProduct< T1, T2, ScalarOp::Conj, ScalarOp::Identity >
 Cdftefe::linearAlgebra::blasLapack::blasLapackKernelsInternal::ScalarProduct< T1, T2, ScalarOp::Identity, ScalarOp::Conj >
 Cdftefe::basis::TriangulationBaseAn abstract class for the triangulation class. The derived class specialises this class to dealii and otehr specialisations if required
 Cdftefe::basis::TriangulationCellBaseAn abstract class for an geometric cell. This is done to prevent the template (as required by deal.ii objects) to propagate all across the code,
 Cdftefe::utils::mpi::Types< T >A simple struct to return the MPIDatatype based on the user provided primitive data type (e.g., int, double, char, etc)
 Cdftefe::utils::Types< T >
 Cdftefe::utils::mpi::Types< char >
 Cdftefe::utils::Types< char >
 Cdftefe::utils::mpi::Types< double >
 Cdftefe::utils::Types< double >
 Cdftefe::utils::mpi::Types< float >
 Cdftefe::utils::Types< float >
 Cdftefe::utils::mpi::Types< int >
 Cdftefe::utils::Types< int >
 Cdftefe::utils::mpi::Types< long >
 Cdftefe::utils::mpi::Types< long double >
 Cdftefe::utils::Types< long int >
 Cdftefe::utils::mpi::Types< long long int >
 Cdftefe::utils::mpi::Types< short >
 Cdftefe::utils::Types< short int >
 Cdftefe::utils::mpi::Types< signed char >
 Cdftefe::utils::mpi::Types< std::complex< double > >
 Cdftefe::utils::Types< std::complex< double > >
 Cdftefe::utils::mpi::Types< std::complex< float > >
 Cdftefe::utils::Types< std::complex< float > >
 Cdftefe::utils::Types< std::string >
 Cdftefe::utils::mpi::Types< unsigned char >
 Cdftefe::utils::mpi::Types< unsigned int >
 Cdftefe::utils::Types< unsigned int >
 Cdftefe::utils::mpi::Types< unsigned long >
 Cdftefe::utils::Types< unsigned long int >
 Cdftefe::utils::mpi::Types< unsigned long long int >
 Cdftefe::utils::mpi::Types< unsigned short >
 Cdftefe::utils::Types< unsigned short int >
 Cdftefe::utils::mpi::Types< wchar_t >