A class that encapsulates a vector. This is a vector in the mathematical sense and not in the sense of an array or STL container. This class handles both serial and distributed vector in a unfied way. There are different constructors provided for the serial and distributed case.
| Vector ()=default |
| Default constructor. More...
| ~Vector ()=default |
| Default Destructor. More...
| Vector (size_type size, std::shared_ptr< LinAlgOpContext< memorySpace > > linAlgOpContext, ValueType initVal=utils::Types< ValueType >::zero) |
| Constructor for a serial Vector with size and initial value arguments. More...
| Vector (std::unique_ptr< typename Vector< ValueType, memorySpace >::Storage > storage, std::shared_ptr< LinAlgOpContext< memorySpace > > linAlgOpContext) |
| Constructor for a serial Vector with predefined Storage (i.e., utils::MemoryStorage). This Constructor transfers the ownership of input Storage to the Vector. This is useful when one does not want to allocate new memory and instead use memory allocated in the Vector::Storage (i.e., MemoryStorage). The locallyOwnedSize, ghostSize, etc., are automatically set using the size of the storage . More...
| Vector (std::shared_ptr< const utils::mpi::MPIPatternP2P< memorySpace > > mpiPatternP2P, std::shared_ptr< LinAlgOpContext< memorySpace > > linAlgOpContext, const ValueType initVal=utils::Types< ValueType >::zero) |
| Constructor for a distributed Vector based on an input MPIPatternP2P. This is the most prefered and optimal way of constructing a distributed Vector, as one can directly use the information already stored in the MPIPatternP2P. More...
| Vector (std::shared_ptr< const utils::mpi::MPIPatternP2P< memorySpace > > mpiPatternP2P, std::shared_ptr< LinAlgOpContext< memorySpace > > linAlgOpContext, const ValueType min, const ValueType max) |
| Constructor for a distributed random Vector based on an input MPIPatternP2P. More...
| Vector (std::unique_ptr< typename Vector< ValueType, memorySpace >::Storage > &storage, std::shared_ptr< const utils::mpi::MPIPatternP2P< memorySpace > > mpiPatternP2P, std::shared_ptr< LinAlgOpContext< memorySpace > > linAlgOpContext) |
| Constructor for a distributed Vector with a predefined Storage (i.e., utils::MemoryStorage) and MPIPatternP2P. This Constructor transfers the ownership of input Storage to the Vector. This is useful when one does not want to allocate new memory and instead use memory allocated in the Storage (i.e., MemoryStorage). More...
| Vector (const std::pair< global_size_type, global_size_type > locallyOwnedRange, const std::vector< dftefe::global_size_type > &ghostIndices, const utils::mpi::MPIComm &mpiComm, std::shared_ptr< LinAlgOpContext< memorySpace > > linAlgOpContext, const ValueType initVal=utils::Types< ValueType >::zero) |
| Constructor for a distributed Vector based on locally owned and ghost indices. More...
| Vector (const std::pair< global_size_type, global_size_type > locallyOwnedRange, const utils::mpi::MPIComm &mpiComm, std::shared_ptr< LinAlgOpContext< memorySpace > > linAlgOpContext, const ValueType initVal=utils::Types< ValueType >::zero) |
| Constructor for a special case of distributed Vector where none none of the processors have any ghost indices. More...
| Vector (const global_size_type globalSize, const utils::mpi::MPIComm &mpiComm, std::shared_ptr< LinAlgOpContext< memorySpace > > linAlgOpContext, const ValueType initVal=utils::Types< ValueType >::zero) |
| Constructor for a distributed Vector based on total number of global indices. The resulting Vector will not contain any ghost indices on any of the processors. Internally, the vector is divided to ensure as much equitable distribution across all the processors much as possible. More...
| Vector (const Vector< ValueType, memorySpace > &u) |
| Copy constructor. More...
| Vector (const Vector< ValueType, memorySpace > &u, ValueType initVal) |
| Copy constructor with reinitialisation. More...
| Vector (Vector &&u) noexcept |
| Move constructor. More...
Vector< ValueType, memorySpace > & | operator= (const Vector< ValueType, memorySpace > &u) |
| Copy assignment operator. More...
Vector< ValueType, memorySpace > & | operator= (Vector< ValueType, memorySpace > &&u) |
| Move assignment operator. More...
double | l2Norm () const |
| Returns \( l_2 \) norm of the Vector. More...
double | lInfNorm () const |
| Returns \( l_{\inf} \) norm of the Vector. More...
| MultiVector ()=default |
| Default Constructor. More...
| ~MultiVector ()=default |
| Default Destructor. More...
| MultiVector (const size_type size, const size_type numVectors, std::shared_ptr< LinAlgOpContext< memorySpace > > linAlgOpContext, const ValueType initVal=utils::Types< ValueType >::zero) |
| Constructor for serial MultiVector with vector size, number of vectors and initial value arguments. More...
| MultiVector (std::unique_ptr< typename MultiVector< ValueType, memorySpace >::Storage > storage, size_type numVectors, std::shared_ptr< LinAlgOpContext< memorySpace > > linAlgOpContext) |
| Constructor for a \serial MultiVector with a predefined MultiVector::Storage (i.e., utils::MemoryStorage). This constructor transfers the ownership of the input Storage to the MultiVector. This is useful when one does not want to allocate new memory and instead use memory allocated in the MultiVector::Storage (i.e., utils::MemoryStorage). The locallyOwnedSize, ghostSize, etc., are automatically set using the size of the input Storage object. More...
| MultiVector (std::shared_ptr< const utils::mpi::MPIPatternP2P< memorySpace > > mpiPatternP2P, std::shared_ptr< LinAlgOpContext< memorySpace > > linAlgOpContext, const size_type numVectors, const ValueType initVal=utils::Types< ValueType >::zero) |
| Constructor for a distributed MultiVector based on an input MPIPatternP2P. More...
| MultiVector (std::shared_ptr< const utils::mpi::MPIPatternP2P< memorySpace > > mpiPatternP2P, std::shared_ptr< LinAlgOpContext< memorySpace > > linAlgOpContext, const size_type numVectors, const ValueType min, const ValueType max) |
| Constructor for a distributed random MultiVector based on an input MPIPatternP2P. More...
| MultiVector (std::unique_ptr< typename MultiVector< ValueType, memorySpace >::Storage > &storage, std::shared_ptr< const utils::mpi::MPIPatternP2P< memorySpace > > mpiPatternP2P, std::shared_ptr< LinAlgOpContext< memorySpace > > linAlgOpContext, const size_type numVectors) |
| Constructor for a distributed MultiVector with a predefined MultiVector::Storage (i.e., utils::MemoryStorage) and MPIPatternP2P. This constructor transfers the ownership of the input Storage to the MultiVector. This is useful when one does not want to allocate new memory and instead use memory allocated in the input MultiVector::Storage (i.e., utils::MemoryStorage). More...
| MultiVector (const std::pair< global_size_type, global_size_type > locallyOwnedRange, const std::vector< global_size_type > &ghostIndices, const utils::mpi::MPIComm &mpiComm, std::shared_ptr< LinAlgOpContext< memorySpace > > linAlgOpContext, const size_type numVectors, ValueType initVal=utils::Types< ValueType >::zero) |
| Constructor for a \distributed MultiVector based on locally owned and ghost indices. More...
| MultiVector (const std::pair< global_size_type, global_size_type > locallyOwnedRange, const utils::mpi::MPIComm &mpiComm, std::shared_ptr< LinAlgOpContext< memorySpace > > linAlgOpContext, const size_type numVectors, const ValueType initVal=utils::Types< ValueType >::zero) |
| Constructor for a special case of distributed MultiVector where none none of the processors have any ghost indices. More...
| MultiVector (const global_size_type globalSize, const utils::mpi::MPIComm &mpiComm, std::shared_ptr< LinAlgOpContext< memorySpace > > linAlgOpContext, const size_type numVectors, const ValueType initVal=utils::Types< ValueType >::zero) |
| Constructor for a distributed MultiVector based on total number of global indices. The resulting MultiVector will not contain any ghost indices on any of the processors. Internally, the vector is divided to ensure as much equitable distribution across all the processors much as possible. More...
| MultiVector (const MultiVector &u) |
| Copy constructor. More...
| MultiVector (const MultiVector &u, const ValueType initVal=utils::Types< ValueType >::zero) |
| Copy constructor with reinitialisation. More...
| MultiVector (MultiVector &&u) noexcept |
| Move constructor. More...
MultiVector & | operator= (const MultiVector &u) |
| Copy assignment operator. More...
MultiVector & | operator= (MultiVector &&u) |
| Move assignment operator. More...
iterator | begin () |
| Return iterator pointing to the beginning of MultiVector data. More...
const_iterator | begin () const |
| Return iterator pointing to the beginning of MultiVector data. More...
iterator | end () |
| Return iterator pointing to the end of MultiVector data. More...
const_iterator | end () const |
| Return iterator pointing to the end of MultiVector data. More...
ValueType * | data () |
| Return the raw pointer to the MultiVector data. More...
const ValueType * | data () const |
| Return the constant raw pointer to the MultiVector data. More...
void | setValue (const ValueType val) |
| Set all entries of the MultiVector to a given value. More...
std::vector< double > | l2Norms () const |
| Returns \( l_2 \) norms of all the \(N\) vectors in the MultiVector. More...
std::vector< double > | lInfNorms () const |
| Returns \( l_{\inf} \) norms of all the \(N\) vectors in the MultiVector. More...
size_type | getNumberComponents () const |
| Returns the nunber of vectors in this multi-vector. More...
void | updateGhostValues (const size_type communicationChannel=0) |
void | accumulateAddLocallyOwned (const size_type communicationChannel=0) |
void | updateGhostValuesBegin (const size_type communicationChannel=0) |
void | updateGhostValuesEnd () |
void | accumulateAddLocallyOwnedBegin (const size_type communicationChannel=0) |
void | accumulateAddLocallyOwnedEnd () |
bool | isCompatible (const MultiVector< ValueType, memorySpace > &rhs) const |
std::shared_ptr< const utils::mpi::MPIPatternP2P< memorySpace > > | getMPIPatternP2P () const |
std::shared_ptr< LinAlgOpContext< memorySpace > > | getLinAlgOpContext () const |
global_size_type | globalSize () const |
size_type | localSize () const |
size_type | locallyOwnedSize () const |
size_type | ghostSize () const |
size_type | numVectors () const |
template<typename ValueType,
dftefe::utils::MemorySpace memorySpace>
class dftefe::linearAlgebra::Vector< ValueType, memorySpace >
A class that encapsulates a vector. This is a vector in the mathematical sense and not in the sense of an array or STL container. This class handles both serial and distributed vector in a unfied way. There are different constructors provided for the serial and distributed case.
The serial Vector, as the name suggests, resides entirely in a processor.
The distributed Vector, on the other hand, is distributed across a set of processors. The storage of the distributed Vector in a processor comprises of two parts:
- locally owned part: A part of the distribute dVector, defined through a contiguous range of indices \([a,b)\) ( \(a\) is included, but \(b\) is not), for which the current processor is the sole owner. The size of the locally owned part (i.e., \(b-a\)) is termed as locallyOwnedSize.
- ghost part: Part of the distributed Vector, defined through a set of ghost indices, that are owned by other processors. The size of ghost part is termed as ghostSize.
Both the locally owned part and the ghost part are stored in a contiguous memory inside a MemoryStorage object, with the locally owned part stored first. The global size of the distributed Vector (i.e., the number of unique indices across all the processors) is simply termed as size. Additionally, we define localSize = locallyOwnedSize + ghostSize.
We handle the serial Vector as a special case of the distributed Vector, wherein size = locallyOwnedSize and ghostSize = 0.
- Note
- While typically one would link to an MPI library while compiling this class, care is taken to seamlessly allow usage of this class even while not linking to an MPI library. To do so, we have our own MPI wrappers that defaults to the MPI library's function calls and definitions while linking to an MPI library and provides a serial equivalent of those functions while not linking to an MPI library. This allows the user of this class to seamlessly switch between linking and de-linking to an MPI library without any change in the code and with the expected behavior.
Note that the case of not linking to an MPI library and the case of creating a serial mult-Vector are two independent things. One can still create a serial Vector while linking to an MPI library and running the code across multipe processors. That is, one can create a serial Vector in one or more than one of the set of processors used when running in parallel. Internally, we handle this by using MPI_COMM_SELF as our MPI_Comm for the serial Vector (i.e., the processor does self communication). However, while not linking to an MPI library (which by definition means running on a single processor), there is no notion of communication (neither with self nor with other processors). In such case, both serial and distributed mult-Vector mean the same thing and the MPI wrappers ensure the expected behavior (i.e., the behavior of a Vector while using just one processor)
Broadly, there are two ways of constructing a distributed Vector.
- [Prefered and efficient approach] The first approach takes a pointer to an MPIPatternP2P as an input argument (along with other arguments). The MPIPatternP2P, in turn, contains all the information regarding the locally owned and ghost part of the Vector as well as the interaction map between processors. This is the most efficient way of constructing a distributed Vector as it allows for reusing of an already constructed MPIPatternP2P.
- [ Expensive approach] The second approach takes in the locally owned, ghost indices or the total number of indices across all the processors and internally creates an MPIPatternP2P object. Given that the creation of an MPIPatternP2P is expensive, this route of constructing a distributed Vector should be avoided.
- Template Parameters
template | parameter ValueType defines underlying datatype being stored in the vector (i.e., int, double, complex<double>, etc.) |
template | parameter memorySpace defines the MemorySpace (i.e., HOST or DEVICE) in which the vector must reside. |