| A derived class of linearAlgebra::LinearSolverFunction to encapsulate the Poisson partial differential equation (PDE) discretized in a finite element (FE) basis. The Possion PDE is given as: \(\nabla^2 v(\textbf{r}) = -4 \pi \rho(\textbf{r})$\f
with the boundary condition on
\)@_fakenlv(\textbf{r})|_{\partial \Omega}=g(\textbf{r})$\f ( \(\\partial Omega$\f denoting the boundary of a domain \)\Omega$\f). Here \(v$\f has the physical notion of a potential (e.g.,
Hartree potential, nuclear potential, etc.) arising due to a charge
distributin \)\rho$\f. More...