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MPIWrapper.h File Reference
#include <utils/MPITypes.h>
#include <utils/TypeConfig.h>
#include <utils/MemorySpaceType.h>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "MPIWrapper.t.cpp"
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namespace  dftefe
 dealii includes
namespace  dftefe::utils
namespace  dftefe::utils::mpi


int dftefe::utils::mpi::MPITypeContiguous (int count, MPIDatatype oldtype, MPIDatatype *newtype)
template<MemorySpace memorySpace>
int dftefe::utils::mpi::MPIAllreduce (const void *sendbuf, void *recvbuf, int count, MPIDatatype datatype, MPIOp op, MPIComm comm)
template<MemorySpace memorySpace>
int dftefe::utils::mpi::MPIAllgather (const void *sendbuf, int sendcount, MPIDatatype sendtype, void *recvbuf, int recvcount, MPIDatatype recvtype, MPIComm comm)
template<MemorySpace memorySpace>
int dftefe::utils::mpi::MPIAllgatherv (const void *sendbuf, int sendcount, MPIDatatype sendtype, void *recvbuf, const int *recvcounts, const int *displs, MPIDatatype recvtype, MPIComm comm)
int dftefe::utils::mpi::MPIBarrier (MPIComm comm)
int dftefe::utils::mpi::MPIIbarrier (MPIComm comm, MPIRequest *request)
template<MemorySpace memorySpace>
int dftefe::utils::mpi::MPIBcast (void *buffer, int count, MPIDatatype datatype, int root, MPIComm comm)
int dftefe::utils::mpi::MPICommCreateGroup (MPIComm comm, MPIGroup group, int tag, MPIComm *newcomm)
int dftefe::utils::mpi::MPICommFree (MPIComm *comm)
int dftefe::utils::mpi::MPICommGroup (MPIComm comm, MPIGroup *group)
int dftefe::utils::mpi::MPICommRank (MPIComm comm, int *rank)
int dftefe::utils::mpi::MPICommSize (MPIComm comm, int *size)
int dftefe::utils::mpi::MPIGroupFree (MPIGroup *group)
int dftefe::utils::mpi::MPIGroupIncl (MPIGroup group, int n, const int ranks[], MPIGroup *newgroup)
int dftefe::utils::mpi::MPIGroupTranslateRanks (MPIGroup group1, int n, const int ranks1[], MPIGroup group2, int ranks2[])
int dftefe::utils::mpi::MPIInit (int *argc, char ***argv)
int dftefe::utils::mpi::MPIInitThread (int *argc, char ***argv, int required, int *provided)
int dftefe::utils::mpi::MPIInitialized (int *flag)
int dftefe::utils::mpi::MPIIprobe (int source, int tag, MPIComm comm, int *flag, MPIStatus *status)
int dftefe::utils::mpi::MPITest (MPIRequest *request, int *flag, MPIStatus *status)
int dftefe::utils::mpi::MPITestall (int count, MPIRequest *requests, int *flag, MPIStatus *statuses)
template<MemorySpace memorySpace>
int dftefe::utils::mpi::MPIIrecv (void *buf, int count, MPIDatatype datatype, int source, int tag, MPIComm comm, MPIRequest *request)
template<MemorySpace memorySpace>
int dftefe::utils::mpi::MPIIsend (const void *buf, int count, MPIDatatype datatype, int dest, int tag, MPIComm comm, MPIRequest *request)
template<MemorySpace memorySpace>
int dftefe::utils::mpi::MPIRecv (void *buf, int count, MPIDatatype datatype, int source, int tag, MPIComm comm, MPIStatus *status)
int dftefe::utils::mpi::MPIOpCreate (MPIUserFunction *user_fn, int commute, MPIOp *op)
int dftefe::utils::mpi::MPIOpFree (MPIOp *op)
template<MemorySpace memorySpace>
int dftefe::utils::mpi::MPIReduce (void *sendbuf, void *recvbuf, int count, MPIDatatype datatype, MPIOp op, int root, MPIComm comm)
int dftefe::utils::mpi::MPIRequestFree (MPIRequest *request)
template<MemorySpace memorySpace>
int dftefe::utils::mpi::MPISend (const void *buf, int count, MPIDatatype datatype, int dest, int tag, MPIComm comm)
template<MemorySpace memorySpace>
int dftefe::utils::mpi::MPISendrecv (const void *sendbuf, int sendcount, MPIDatatype sendtype, int dest, int sendtag, void *recvbuf, int recvcount, MPIDatatype recvtype, int source, int recvtag, MPIComm comm, MPIStatus *status)
template<MemorySpace memorySpace>
int dftefe::utils::mpi::MPIIssend (const void *buf, int count, MPIDatatype datatype, int dest, int tag, MPIComm comm, MPIRequest *request)
template<MemorySpace memorySpace>
int dftefe::utils::mpi::MPISsend (const void *buf, int count, MPIDatatype datatype, int dest, int tag, MPIComm comm)
int dftefe::utils::mpi::MPITypeCommit (MPIDatatype *datatype)
int dftefe::utils::mpi::MPITypeFree (MPIDatatype *datatype)
int dftefe::utils::mpi::MPITypeVector (int count, int blocklength, int stride, MPIDatatype oldtype, MPIDatatype *newtype)
int dftefe::utils::mpi::MPIWait (MPIRequest *request, MPIStatus *status)
int dftefe::utils::mpi::MPIWaitall (int count, MPIRequest requests[], MPIStatus statuses[])
int dftefe::utils::mpi::MPIErrorString (int errorcode, char *string, int *resultlen)
int dftefe::utils::mpi::MPIFinalize (void)
double dftefe::utils::mpi::MPIWtime (void)
int dftefe::utils::mpi::MPIFinalized (int *flag)
bool dftefe::utils::mpi::MPIErrIsSuccess (int errCode)
std::string dftefe::utils::mpi::MPIErrMsg (int errCode)
std::pair< bool, std::string > dftefe::utils::mpi::MPIErrIsSuccessAndMsg (int errCode)