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Todo List
Member dftefe::basis::TriangulationDealiiParallel< dim >::getBoundaryIds () const override
TODO: Implement it to get the user specified boundary Ids on different faces of the triangulation
Member dftefe::basis::TriangulationDealiiParallel< dim >::markPeriodicFaces (const std::vector< bool > &isPeriodicFlags, const std::vector< utils::Point > &domainVectors)
  1. Implement for periodic case
  2. Check if the domainvectors argument is redundant (i.e., if they can be fetched from the d_triangulationDealii)
Member dftefe::basis::TriangulationDealiiSerial< dim >::getBoundaryIds () const override
TODO: Implement it to get the user specified boundary Ids on different faces of the triangulation
Member dftefe::basis::TriangulationDealiiSerial< dim >::markPeriodicFaces (const std::vector< bool > &isPeriodicFlags, const std::vector< utils::Point > &domainVectors)
  1. Implement for periodic case
  2. Check if the domainvectors argument is redundant (i.e., if they can be fetched from the d_triangulationDealii)